
Profiles of Success

Builder/Construction, Education, Executive, Management


I learned about PPLSI as I was listening to a presentation given to my son, and I was impressed with the services offered. I purchased both plans with no intent of getting involved in the business side of PPLSI.

I was vice president and general manager of a construction and development company as well as a teacher. However, when I heard about the group benefits opportunity from Bill Stovall, I knew this could be a significant opportunity for me and my family. I can create a book of business and build a team just like an insurance agency, and the sky’s the limit.

I am excited to be sharing information about a service that offers an immediate value for the person participating. I have been doing this long enough to have heard many stories about how these services have had such a positive impact on people’s lives. I have never done anything I have enjoyed as much as PPLSI.

This opportunity has allowed my family — my husband, Elwyn, and my sons, Russell and Ryan — to rebuild a retirement that was devastated by medical bills due to a catastrophic injury to one of our boys. I am happy to say he is doing great, and we are well on our way to rebuilding our future, thanks to PPLSI!